Ways2Help Hackathon is a 3-day event where young innovators, enthusiasts, companies and entrepreneurs have the opportunity to create and present their innovative solutions for social good and help for socially disadvantaged families.
This event will allow you to develop ideas, share your skills and work in team environments with like-minded people from different walks of life.
Together, we will have the opportunity to explore and innovate in the areas of the donor experience, in order to strengthen and advance the impact and meaning of donations for our society.
To develop an idea for support and assistance to socially disadvantaged families that will be a solution in the form of a digital, online additional functionality of Ways2Help, an application, an online game or training.
If you want to join the Ways2Help Hackathon, registration is already open and you can do it through the following form no later than November 15th.
18 - 21h - Презентација на идеите на тимовите
09 - 11h - Работа на идејата
11 - 13h - Менторски сесии
13:00h - Работа на идејата
09 - 11h - Финализација на идејата
12 - 15h - Финални презентации
15:30h - Објава на победничките решенија
15:30 - 16:30h - Коктел и Хетворкинг